Weight Loss Plan: The Target To Shoot For

Health problems arises when people put on weight, it would be advisable to engage in weight loss plan to minimize the risk of hitting with obesity diseases.

Do you have any long-term expectations in mind? At the same time, do you have any short term goals that can help you reach your target? It will be easier to achieve your goals if you have an effective weight loss plan that is laid out properly and correctly at the start.

I will show you some of the tips that will help you reach your goals:

1) Be realistic

The majority of the people are overly enthusiastic with the weight loss plans when they just started.

For example, if your current weight is 150 pounds and you intend to cut down to 100 pounds which you have never ever attain before even when you were 16, then this is not a realistic target to shoot for.

You can find out if you are in need of losing weight or not by calculating your body mass weight which in short is commonly termed as BMI. As advice by the National Institutes of Health, we should try to stay in the range of 19 to 24.9. Anything above 25 and below 30 is deemed to be overweight. But if the BMI exceed 30, then it will be in the obesity range.

By looking at this figures, you will need to work out a reasonable weight loss plan to achieve the ideal BMI based on your height as the is the main criteria that affects the BMI.

2) Set suitable goals

The primary objective for losing weight is to reduce the risk of getting obesity related diseases and not for the sake of becoming more beautiful.

It shows how determined you are if you decide to go through the weight loss schedule that consists of not only exercises but also good dieting habits.

3) Remained focus on what you are doing

Instead of promising how much weight you will lose this month, it would be much better to concentrate on deciding how much exercise you will do. This would ultimately contribute to a effective weight loss plan.

Bear in mind that you do not have control over how much weight you could lose in a month but on the other hand, you can have control over how much you are going to do this month.

4) Start with a slow pace

You should never aim too high when you first started the weight loss plan. For example, if you have not been doing exercises for the past few years, you should start off with something simple such as walking one mile every alternative day.

5) Stay motivated

Be determined and never allow failure to overtake your mind. Look at your efforts in a fair and objective way. If you happen to fall short of your expected goal, do not feel disappointed but instead preserve on. A plan is just a rough guideline for us to follow and it will never be perfect.

In fact, you should get the motivation level high during the weight loss period. Failure to do so might end up with you giving up on the weight loss plan.At times, you can trying including other interesting methods such as weight loss shakes to incorporate into your plans and this will keep you motivated to move on as well.

6) Set measurable target

For example, by saying that you want to be more positive this month is not something that can be measured and this should not be within your plan.

The main focus should be on exercising and continue to do it consistently.

In conclusion, weight loss plan is just a piece of paper that act as a guideline. In the end, you should put more effort into taking action rather than looking back at why you did not achieve the goals.

Is Low Carbo Diet Really Effective For Weight Loss?

Before I came across this article HinduStanTimes, I strongly believe that people who are engaging in weight loss should turn to low carb diet to lose weight. But after reading the article, it has come to my attention that this might not be a perfect solution in the long run. Personally, I wouldn't want to take the risk of having any side effects of weight loss.

An Australian study published in prestigious medical journal has show that prolonged consumption of low carb diet will lead to depression, anxiety or even mood swing. Unless you really want to sacrifice your health for a better figure, my advice is to quitting taking low carb diet. Go through the common channel of losing weight and that is exercise.

For those who have friends that are currently losing weight, please convey this message to them and let them know the impact of low carb diet. Advise them to go for a balanced diet and take things in moderation. Exercise regularly and they will soon get rid of the unwanted fats.

Chewing Gum Helps In Weight Loss

This is a pretty interesting piece of news to me as I have never heard that chewing gum will help in losing weight. But in the recent news published at The Washington Post proves that gum do somehow help in weight loss.

Studies have shown that chewing gum help reduce the crave for sweet food and this in turn help people to cut down 50 calorie intake on a daily basis. Even during the scientific meeting of the Obesity Society, result have shown people who took chewing gum before meals have consumer 67 less calories intake. What is more fascinating is that this reduce calorie intake is not a temporary action but instead it last through the entire day.

With this result, it would be a interesting to see people stocking up tons of gums to aid in their weight loss process. As more people engage in this, it would probably be more accurate then to draw a clearer conclusion as to what extend does chewing gums help in weight loss.

Meanwhile, I encourage people to try this out and track the result. This could well turn out to be a good alternative to cut down on our calorie intake.

Is Rapid Weight Loss Safe?

Most people who are on a weight loss schedule will be delighted to see a drastic drop in their weight but it never comes into them that it might be a harmful/negative sign that the body is malfunctioning. You may be actively engaging in weight lost but in fact there might be other factors that lead to the rapid plunge in weight.

One of the most common causes is over-exerting yourself during exercises or diets. It is definitely good to get rid of unwanted fats but it should be carried out in a progressive manner. You want to see results fast but it might cause adverse effect to your body. It is always advisable to start with small goals and you slowly increase the pace of your workout as well as on the diet area. Remember to do things in moderate. Any excessive form will often lead to unwanted results.

If the rapid weight loss is due to other factors such as an overactive thyroid or anorexia, you should seek medical attention immediately.  This is especially the case of anorexia. Anorexia is a term to describe people who make themselves sick so that they could lose weight. In the long term, it will be unhealthy to the body and this should never be a method to lose weight.

Exercising regularly and maintaining a balanced diet is always the best way to lose weight. However, I am also not against taking weight loss supplements to hasten the process but always consult your doctor before consuming it. Apart from exercising to lose weight, family history and genetic can play a substantial role in it.

Therefore, rapid weight loss is generally deemed to be unhealthy for our body. Not only will it harm our health, it will leave traces of rapid weight loss like loose skin. Medical experts have reported that we should not lose more than 2 pounds a week to sustain a healthy lifestyle. It is always advisable to go slow to avoid any health related problems in the future should we succeed in losing weight. Be patient and you will get to where you target to achieve in the most efficient and effective way.